Knowlton Library Restoration: February 2023

Here comes the drywall!
Drywall work commences.
It takes a LOT of drywall.
We have walls again!
Staff hallway with drywall
New drywall in the Adult section
Choosing a new look for the Library!
This is the one!
Laying power lines for new in-floor outlets
Link Construction equipment in the Library
They need a lift to get to high places.
Our backlog of transit items to satisfy holds has arrived!
Painting begins.
More design choices are made.
Getting ready to paint the ceiling.
It is a long way up there!

In February 2023, the drywall arrived and was installed, the walls were patched, the new carpet and tile were chosen and the painting was begun. As you scroll through these images, hold your cursor over a picture to see its description.