Interlibrary loan is a resource-sharing service that allows you to borrow items from libraries across the United States. Before making a request, please check our catalog first. If you cannot find the item(s) you need, click here to access the interlibrary loan form. Fill out the form with as much information as possible, then click SEND. The Interlibrary Loan staff will search for the item on your behalf. You will be notified when the item(s) arrive or if your request cannot be fulfilled.
Interlibrary loans are checked out for the same duration as our library's own items, though renewal may not always be possible. You can also request magazine articles not available through any of the Ebscohost databases found in Online Resources; however, the lending library may charge for printing the article.
Your request will be processed immediately, but please note that there is no guarantee on the arrival time of the item. Requesting items through interlibrary loan is a free service provided by Logan County Libraries.
*Logan County Libraries is a member of the Serving Every Ohioan (SEO) Library Consortium.