Knowlton Library Restoration: April 2023

Carpet installation is begun in the main areas.
Carpet installation is begun in staff areas.
Carpet is laid in the small meeting rooms.
New History Room is taking shape.
New Teen Room is taking shape.
Shelving construction begins in the Juvenile Area.
Shelving construction in the Juvenile and Adult areas.
Shelving construction in Adult Fiction & Nonfiction areas.
View from Adult stacks toward Juvenile area.
Juvenile shelving is coming in!
What will be Juvenile Audio Visual & Makerspace area.
Juvenile shelving for JE and JF books.
New Juvenile play area!
New Large Print area shelving.
New Periodical area shelving.
Carpet installation continues in the main area.
Carpet installation is almost done!
Insulation in the public bathrooms.
Drywall installation in the public bathrooms.
Community room as it stood on April 14, 2023.
Another shot of the Goodrich Community Room.
Shelving not yet installed, sorted by size.
Lobby as it stood April 14, 2023.
Lobby drinking fountain.
Caesar at ServPro - likes the 'World's Best Boss" cup.
New Teen area bookshelves going up.
Caesar considers a new career.
But ultimately Caesar decides to hurry back to the Library.
Caesar is back in the Library!
Boxed books begin coming back to the library.
Boxes of books being stacked in the main area.
Stacked boxes in Juvenile area of the library.
View from the front windows of the main area.
4000 boxes of books to sort and replace on the shelves.
More views of the boxes of books.
Shelves and piled boxes of books.
New bathroom wall tiles arrive!
Library Design crew considers this BIG job.
Detail painting continues.
Chairs for the new Teen Room.
Goodbye to so many stuffies!
Electrical conduit.
New Barnwell Boardroom closet replaces kitchenette.
View from Lobby into Goodrich Community Room.
View into the Library as of April 19, 2023.
Library Lobby as of April 19, 2023.
Teen Room details are painted!
Miscellaneous boxes stored in the Community room.
Tile work begins in staff areas.
AV items going on to shelves, but not yet organized.
Sorting magazines prior to shelving them.
Public bathroom wall tile installation begins.
Public bathroom wall tile is nearly done!
Public bathroom wall tile installation.

In April, the carpet was installed, book shelves were reconstructed, 4000 boxes of largely unsorted books came back from storage, and the bathroom reconstruction began in earnest. As you scroll through the images, pause your mouse over each picture to see the description.